Auctions are a way to trade your cards without having to specify a specific user. You can put any card on auction for a fee equal to 10% of your listing price, and then other users can bid on it. Each card will be on the auction list for 6 hours by default and sold to the highest bidder. If nobody bids on your card, your card will be returned to you, but the listing fee will not be refunded.
Amusement Club Auction is based on the Vickrey auction model. In short you should bid the max amount you would want to spend. Any bids by others below this price changes the displayed price to that amount, as well as increases the amount you will pay to that price. You get the card for the listed auction price, and any extra deposit not used refunded. You are limited in the number of bids you can attempt to help enforce the idea of bidding your maximum up front.
Please note that using alt accounts to manipulate auctions in any way may result in a temporary or even a permanent ban
/auction list
View a list of current auctions
/auction preview
View up to 25 auctions where the card image is displayed
/auction info
View more detailed information about an auction
/auction bid
Bid on a currently active auction
/auction sell
Sell a card on auction
/auction cancel
Cancel one of your auctions if it: A. Has no bids B. Does not expire in the next hour
Auctions in the list has diamond marks on them:
means that you created that auction
means that your bid is leading in this auction
means you can bid on this auction.